My Philosophy

Less is more in my design. Simple, subtle and sustainable are what I strive for. I have a strong passion for the environment and the natural world. I like to include inspiration from nature in my designs. I am very interested in Biomimicry and the theory of Biophilia. I have a soft spot for animals and I see a necessity for Eco-friendly design. I want to indulge in safe practices with an emphasis on loyalty and integrity. In the future, I want to make a difference with my design and impact the world in a beneficial way.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Poster Reflection

I had fun making the final poster. I have never designed my own background for a project before and it was very rewarding to see the final product. I had a hard time lining up all of the text and pictures. I found myself using the magnifying tool a lot to make sure everything matched up with each other on the grid. I especially liked editing the photos and learning how to make them straight with Photoshop.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sketch Assignment #10

This assignment was my favorite out of all the journal sketches. I never get to work with black paper and white pencil. It was fun to take a detailed sketch of such a simple piece of hardware. I think that this assignment really helped me with my shading technique. This is by far my best sketch and I'm happy with the way it turned out. I can implement the shading techniques I learned in this sketch in my future drawings.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sketch Assignment #9

This sketch assignment really shows how far I have come with my sketches this semester. I think it is more visually appealing then most of my previous sketches, and I spent the most time on it. Drawing the walls and deciding the angles of the corners was really difficult for me. I also had a hard time replicating the exact images a second time. I liked working with shadows and I think it gave my room a lot more depth.

Sketch Assignment #8

This is definitely one of my better sketches. I have never really attempted to draw the corner of a room before. I had fun drawing the window sill and shading in the walls. I do not really like the way the space heater turned out though. I definitely feel that after finishing this sketch, I can draw rooms more accurately.

Sketch Assignment #7

I found this sketch to be very difficult. I like spending time on my sketches and adding detail. This sketch felt very rushed. I drew the floor plan and elevation on napkins. It was extremely hard to make straight lines and get things to look how I wanted them. I like being able to express an idea quickly and simply, but this felt forced and it turned out to be kind of sloppy.

Sketch Assignment #6

I think this is one of my better drawings. I like sketching in pen because then if I mess up, I know I have to figure out a way to make it work. I had a hard time drawing this and I spent a long time on it. With the exception of a few off lines, I feel that this sketch displays the overall appearance of the office chair in my room. I also discovered how much detail goes into a simple office chair.

Sketch Assignment #5

I had a difficult time drawing this negative chair. Unless you are asked to do it, most people do not choose to draw negatively like this. I have had no prior practice drawing in negative before this assignment. I had a difficult time keeping my lines straight when I was shading in. We have drawn many chairs between both design classes, and I have to say, I think this is the most interesting.

Sketch Assignment #4

For this assignment, we were asked to put emphasis on the shadows and the shading techniques when drawing fruit. I had a lot of trouble drawing bananas. They are such an irregular shape. I enjoyed exploring the contour of the fruit and making sure my shading was accurate. I also liked practicing with shading techniques such as cross hatching. 

Sketch Assignment #3

This sketch assignment was fun to draw. I liked looking at pictures of basalt columns and turtle shells. It was also interesting to think about what in nature has a tessellation pattern. I learned that a lot more things in nature have pattern then I originally thought. I also learned the importance of repetition in a pattern.

Sketch Assignment #1

I really enjoyed this assignment. I do not usually draw contours, let alone my friends. It also brought back good memories of my summer camping trip. Through this assignment, I learned that a space does not always have to be colored in and detailed to show meaning.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tessellation Project

This is the first time I have created a digital tessellation pattern. I used Adobe Photoshop to create this work. In designing this pattern, I realized that lining up all of the different cuts was quite difficult. To begin this project, I started with pictures I found off the internet, then I edited them using Photoshop, cut them out, and pieced them together. I have never done this kind of design before and it was nice to explore different mediums of design.

Palouse Sketch

The reason I am uploading this sketch is because this is really the first time I have ever used Adobe Illustrator. It is a very innovative program that I am excited to work with in the future. I particularly liked the different digital painting features that really added detail to the clouds and grass. I found it difficult to create small details and especially curved lines with the computer mouse. This was also the first time I have worked with an external digital tablet to help ease the drawing process. This sketch shows the beginning of my future working with Illustrator.