My Philosophy

Less is more in my design. Simple, subtle and sustainable are what I strive for. I have a strong passion for the environment and the natural world. I like to include inspiration from nature in my designs. I am very interested in Biomimicry and the theory of Biophilia. I have a soft spot for animals and I see a necessity for Eco-friendly design. I want to indulge in safe practices with an emphasis on loyalty and integrity. In the future, I want to make a difference with my design and impact the world in a beneficial way.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sketch Assignment #7

I found this sketch to be very difficult. I like spending time on my sketches and adding detail. This sketch felt very rushed. I drew the floor plan and elevation on napkins. It was extremely hard to make straight lines and get things to look how I wanted them. I like being able to express an idea quickly and simply, but this felt forced and it turned out to be kind of sloppy.

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